I Just Started making Some kinda MS Paint Adventure on The Art Forum... Some people are ranking on me cuz I Speed Paint and my Art Sucks.... But, Even the Original MS Paint Adventures Started Badly Drawn..... So why can't I get better?
Who knows the Colored Mafia Huh?
Joined on 4/1/07
Posted by daxdi-101 - April 19th, 2010
I Just Started making Some kinda MS Paint Adventure on The Art Forum... Some people are ranking on me cuz I Speed Paint and my Art Sucks.... But, Even the Original MS Paint Adventures Started Badly Drawn..... So why can't I get better?
it's not your Art we were nailing, it was your lack of planning, the redundancy of the idea, and your comments just fueled the fire
its ms paint, need i say more?
Well, check out my MS paint art, hopefully this will help you.